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                                                           Bulldog Café


Elementary Menu                                                
Secondary Menu

EZPAY Website

Free & Reduced Lunch Application


We will be selling ice cream at the elementary and secondary cafeterias and it will be a CASH ONLY option. The elementary will be able to buy ice cream on Fridays and the middle school and high school will be able to buy it every day. The cost will be $1.00. The ice cream is made by Blue Bunny and it is low fat or fat free and we will have 7 different items to choose from. If you would like to purchase ice cream for a party in your child’s class, just let me know how many and we can order it for you. You will pay the same amount, $1.00 each.


Snacks or No Snacks!!!!!

By popular demand of the parents of Bosqueville students, starting next year the snack bar will be CASH ONLY!!!! This means if there is money put in the students’ account it will go for lunches only. Snack bar items, like chips, drinks, cookies, and anything that is not considered part of the lunch for the day will have to be bought out of pocket. So be sure and let your children know that if they want anything from the snack bar next year, they will have to have money in hand.

Thank you!!!!!!!


Where is my money Going?

Ever wonder how your lunch money is being spent? Register in the EZPay Website and see what your child buys for lunch and snacks. The transactions stay on the website for 30 days.


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1000 Washington Lane
Waco, Texas 76708
ph: 254-752-6006 ext 7019
fax: 254-759-7065