Teacher Aimee Welle » FFA Information & Contests

FFA Information & Contests

LDE (Leadership Development Events)
These are contests that happen during the Fall Semester.
LDE's focus on creating situations for members to demonstrate their abilities in public speaking, decision making, communication, & their knowledge of Ag & the FFA Organization.  Team & Individual events are used to reinforce what is taught in AG classes.
CDE (Career Development Events)
These are contests that happen during the Spring Semester. 
CDE's build on what is learned in Ag classes & encourages members to put their knowledge into practice.  They help a member prepare for a career in Ag by testing & challenging the student's technical, leadership, interpersonal & teamwork skills as well as their knowledge of the subject matter.  CDE's answer the question "When will I use this knowledge in the real world?"
SDE (Speaking Development Events)
These are contests are available year round.  You can compete at Major Stock Shows, District, Area, & State Contests.
SDE's are designed to develop the ability of all FFA Members to express themselves on a given subject.  Students are encouraged to develop their communication skills & learn to formulate their remarks for presentation in a variety of situations.


LDE's we offer:
  • Jr. & Sr. Chapter Conducting 
  • Jr. & Sr. Creed Speaking
  • Jr. & Sr. Spanish Creed Speaking
  • Radio Broadcasting
  • Job Interview
  • Advocacy
  • Public Relations
CDE's we offer:
  • AG Sales
  • Farm Business Management
  • Floriculture
  • Food Technology 
  • Nursery/Landscape
  • Poultry
  • Vet Science