Teacher Aimee Welle » Livestock


  • If you are interested in showing livestock you must fill out the Livestock Purchase Request Form Regardless of if you have already purchased an animal.
  • Make sure to look over the Animal Projects Questions and Answers, and the Animal Purchase Procedures (especially if this is your 1st year to show)
  • If you are in grades 9-12 you must be in an Agriculture Science Class (Any class that is taught by Mrs. Welle or Mr. Burris counts), and pay $10 dues.
  • If you are in grades 3-8 you just need to contact Mrs. Welle or Mr. Burris and pay the $5 dues.
  • If you have not completed Quality Counts you MUST complete this before you will be allowed to show, there is 3 categories and will have to be verified once in each category--as a junior (grades 3-5), an intermediate (grades 6-8) and a senior (grades 9-12).
Major Livestock Show Entries
In order to exhibit livestock at a major livestock show in Texas, a major tag must have been purchased.